Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life can get out of control so quickly. We never know what is next on the agenda. Health concerns, financial chaos, children and spouses all can change in the next moment. It is what makes life so unpredictable. How do we navigate in the midst of all the obstacles we can't even see? It is vital to hold onto the only one who never changes, who is steady in an unsteady world. It is why it is so important to tie our rope to a secure anchor. It seems that many times when an unexpected event comes along, and lately it has been happening more than I'd care to reminisce about, that my rope is tied either to loose and I drift or tied to the wrong thing. Only God offers true security in the "eye of the storm." Are you tied tight to God? Don't wait to find out, as the boy scouts motto says, I was one for about six months, but that is another story, "Be Prepared. It is never too late, yet, it is so much easier when chaos shows up to find that your anchor is secure.

What storm are you facing?

More to come...


Anonymous said...

this is only a test if this had actually been a comment it would say something

Anonymous said...

ps dan is anonymous

Anonymous said...

When I think about how life can change in the blink of an eye, it reminds me that I'm glad I communicate with Abba daily. There have been times when life has knocked me for a loop and granted fear creeps in along with anxiety, but I still knew My Savior was with me. Great is thy faithfulness.

Anonymous said...

Life definitely throws us all a "curve ball" from time to time. We show how fickle we really are when we wait to seek God during the tough times. As I have gotten a little older (and had a little more practice :) ), I have tried to be in His presence daily. When I am faithful about seeking Him, I am so much more secure. I'm beginning to understand that filling my days to overflowing doesn't make me happier - it makes me whackier. It robs me of peace and often of time with my Father. Walking with God through the tough times definitely is a faith building experience.