Thursday, May 1, 2008

Is belief enough?

Is it enough to believe the right things about God? Is that what makes me a follower of Jesus? While I do believe that we have to believe in certain core truths, like; Jesus is God's Son, He died and was buried and rose again. I think there is more to being a Christ follower than knowing certain facts. The bible says that even the demons believe and yet their destiny is Hell. So it must be that it is a lifestyle and not a set of rigid beliefs. To know Christ is to become like Him, that is why I like the term follower. It signifies that we are to become like Him in action. The Christian LIFE is just that a decision followed by a change in our lifestyle. We cannot claim to be a follower of Christ if it is not effecting our everyday lifestyle. How are we living like Jesus today? So join me as I choose to follow Christ today. What do you think?

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