Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life can get out of control so quickly. We never know what is next on the agenda. Health concerns, financial chaos, children and spouses all can change in the next moment. It is what makes life so unpredictable. How do we navigate in the midst of all the obstacles we can't even see? It is vital to hold onto the only one who never changes, who is steady in an unsteady world. It is why it is so important to tie our rope to a secure anchor. It seems that many times when an unexpected event comes along, and lately it has been happening more than I'd care to reminisce about, that my rope is tied either to loose and I drift or tied to the wrong thing. Only God offers true security in the "eye of the storm." Are you tied tight to God? Don't wait to find out, as the boy scouts motto says, I was one for about six months, but that is another story, "Be Prepared. It is never too late, yet, it is so much easier when chaos shows up to find that your anchor is secure.

What storm are you facing?

More to come...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Is belief enough?

Is it enough to believe the right things about God? Is that what makes me a follower of Jesus? While I do believe that we have to believe in certain core truths, like; Jesus is God's Son, He died and was buried and rose again. I think there is more to being a Christ follower than knowing certain facts. The bible says that even the demons believe and yet their destiny is Hell. So it must be that it is a lifestyle and not a set of rigid beliefs. To know Christ is to become like Him, that is why I like the term follower. It signifies that we are to become like Him in action. The Christian LIFE is just that a decision followed by a change in our lifestyle. We cannot claim to be a follower of Christ if it is not effecting our everyday lifestyle. How are we living like Jesus today? So join me as I choose to follow Christ today. What do you think?