Friday, March 13, 2009


Loyalty is so important in any relationship. It is what builds trust and creates an environment for honesty. I have seen so many who lack loyalty in their lives. Affairs, gossip and even an unwillingness to confront issues in a friends life often arises from a lack of loyalty and commitment. Loyalty is hanging tight with someone when their life is falling apart all around them. It is willing to listen and discuss the hard issues of life. It is open to constructive criticism because their has been a mutual, often unspoken agreement to be loyal to each other. It is knowing that they have your back. It is a foundation for what God calls Fellowship. That deep quality of friendship that David and Jonathan had. Willing to take a bullet for each other and stand up for the other in the midst of a barrage of criticism.

Where has loyalty gone? I think in our consumer driven culture we treet our relationships like our car insurance company. If we find a better deal, bam, we are gone. If things get a little tough or they get a little to close or say the wrong thing or speak into our life, bam, we are gone. Deep relationships require honesty and loyalty. You cannot have one without the other. Am I a loyal friend. I hope so.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ultimate Network

Constant Conversation-pray without ceasing, same thing, yet we so often think of prayer as unattainable. In our day it may be said to stay connected. We do this with our friends through text, e-mail and cell phones. We are never more than a text away from our loved ones. I believe this is what God meant when He told us to pray without ceasing. To have a constant dialogue going. For me I have begun to use everyday things to remind me that I am never in a "dead zone" with God.

Today, seeing the beautiful sky, I said; Thank you, God, for the beautiful sky. This reminds me not only who is responsible, but also that God is with me. Being a friend with God means that I am connected by a network that can never fail. One established by Jesus and maintained by the Holy Spirit. Yet, to utilize it, I had to join, by admitting my need for forgiveness and accepting the work Jesus did. Then I became part of a network that never fails or drops any calls. God loves it when I use the network. It keeps us close and I am aware of His presence more and more in the ordinary, even mundane things of life.

Friends, family, beauty and even difficulties can keep the conversation flowing. Brother Lawrence in the book Practicing the Presence of God tells how everything we do can be an act of worship, if we do it for God. I'm "connected;" are you?