Thursday, July 24, 2008


If God is all powerful and able to anything that He wants, then why do we not see more evidence of His working in our lives? Do we somehow say we believe yet in practice and lifestyle prove otherwise? These are issues that are raised in a book I am reading by Richard Blackaby. His book Unlimiting God, opens up the issue that God desires for us to know Him in His fullness and experience His power in our lives, yet because of our lack of faith, we limit ourselves to living mundane lives.

D.L Moody, once said that he world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully devoted to Him. I ask why is God able to use an ordinary man, greatly and often those with great gifts and talents remain mediocre. I agree with Blackaby that it is the choice of the individual. Each of us has the ability to be used by God. There is no insignificant task, when God gives us something to accomplish. Often we, I look for the grandiose to perform for God, when God wants us to submit and obey in the little things that He is able to mold into a grand masterpiece, one that only He receives the credit. Am I willing to join God in His assignment or am I waiting for some huge task? Am I following Him or trying to get Him to follow me?

I want to know the power of the resurrection. How about you? What am I willing to do to experience it.

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