Monday, April 28, 2008


Wow! Awesome! Unbelievable! How do you describe it when God moves? Yesterday blew us away as we were witness to a tremendous movement of God. Someone said it looked like half of those in attendance came forward to commit to Christ at the close of our worship. We have been praying for God to move and He certainly did yesterday. We talked about a difficult and hard subject to hear; HELL. Yet, God used it to impact all of us in attendance. Pray with me as we follow up with those who made a commitment and encourage them to take the next step, baptism.

You never know when God will show up, so it is important to always keep our eyes open to where He is working. Praise God He is still changining lives and uses us to accomplish it. God wants to use you as you make youself available. How can you make yourself available this week? Will you do the "same old things" you do everyday or will you commit to reach out to soemone in love and pray that God uses you to infect them with His love? Let's become tools in God's hands and do something hard this week. Touch a life. Wow, I can't wait to see where and when God is going to show up again.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Can we really Change?

Romans 12 makes it clear that transformation comes through a change in our thought process. I have been trying to think more positive lately. It is so cool to imagine that our thought have such power over us. Thinking on the things that God thinks about us has a calming and invigorating effect on our outlook. He accepts us worts and all. In John 1:12 Jesus makes it clear that we are God's children if we trust in Him. Wow!!! What an awesome thought. I am God's son. He is my Father, my Dad. Let that sink in. What do I have to worry about, if God is my Father. There is nothing that catches Him off guard, nothing to big for Him to handle. Wow!!! Think about that!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Whew, what a week.

It seems that this week has been busy and stressful on one hand and so rewarding an renewing on the other. Thank God, I'm not in control. I'd be yelling let me off, stop this thing. Thank you for praying for our 9 month old granddaughter who spent the first two days of the week at Children's Hospital after having another seizure. Talk about feeling out of control. Yet, in the chaos of all of this we saw God answer our prayers by giving us reassurance and a few more answers. We discovered that seizures cause no brain damage or developmental issues. Two things we didn't know. This alone calmed our fears of what would the effects of little Ashlynn's episodes would do long term. While we are still waiting to see if God has healed her, He has answered our prayer for the Doctors to find the cause of the episodes. The unknown is worse by far than knowing the issue.

That began our week and then we saw continue to move in the life of our church. God moved in an awesome way Wed. evening during our first Wed. service. God touched someone who has been dealing with an addiction problem and he uncovered it before God and before us. He is also homeless and we took an offering to provide a place to stay. There is a powerful movement going on. Please pray for God provide for him and that he would receive the love God has in store.

God is with us no matter what is going on. He sees where we are and loves it when we join Him in his work. He is working in so many areas around us. Look around and see if God is not working where you are. Ask for eyes to see and then for the courage to take the necessary steps to join in His work with Him. You never know what will happen as a result of our leaning on Him.